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InterUSS Platform's implementation of the ASTM DSS concept for RID and flight coordination.



This core-service executable is the main application logic of the DSS. It requires a connection to a CockroachDB database and exposes a few REST services: ASTM remote ID, auxiliary, and ASTM strategic coordination (if specified).


For production deployment of this executable, see the deployment documentation.

For experimentation on a local machine, see the standalone instance documentation.

To run this executable directly on a local machine using Go rather than a Docker container, run something similar to the command below from the repo root folder:

go run ./cmds/core-service \
  -cockroach_host localhost \
  -public_key_files build/test-certs/auth2.pem \
  -log_format console \
  -dump_requests \
  -accepted_jwt_audiences localhost \
  -enable_scd \


CockroachDB cluster

To run correctly, core-service must be able to access a CockroachDB cluster. Provision of this cluster is handled automatically for a local development environment if following the instructions for a standalone instance. Or, a CockroachDB instance can be created manually with:

docker container run -p 26257:26257 -p 8080:8080 --rm cockroachdb/cockroach:v24.1.3 start-single-node --insecure

Database configuration

Once an initialized CockroachDB cluster is available, the necessary databases within the CRDB cluster must be created/configured properly. This can be accomplished with, as documented in the standalone instance documentation, when using the standard standalone development DSS instance, or it can be accomplished manually with commands similar to those below starting from the repo root folder:

go run ./cmds/db-manager migrate \
  --schemas_dir ./build/db_schemas/rid \
  --db_version latest \
  --cockroach_host localhost
go run ./cmds/db-manager migrate \
  --schemas_dir ./build/db_schemas/scd \
  --db_version latest \
  --cockroach_host localhost