uss2 tested requirements

Test run

Test characteristic Value
Participant uss2
Other participants uss1
Test run identifier TR-fc6c0a9
Start time 2024-10-14 12:06:02 UTC
End time 2024-10-14 12:08:58 UTC
Test baseline identifier TB-bb098b4
Environment identifier TE-87c2279
Requirement verification status Not fully verified
Artifact generated by interuss/monitoring/v0.0.0-2ca7dee with test run artifact configuration

Tested requirements

Requirements: sp_dss
Package Requirement Result Scenario Case Step Check
DSS0010 Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Token Validation Token validation Token validation Missing token prevents creating an ISA
Pass Missing token prevents reading an ISA
Pass Missing token prevents mutating an ISA
Pass Missing token cannot search for ISAs
Pass Missing token prevents ISA deletion
DSS0020 Not tested Not implemented
DSS0030,a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S1 ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Not tested ISA version changed
Pass S5 ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Not tested ISA version changed
Pass S10 ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Not tested ISA version changed
Pass S12 ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Not tested ISA version changed
Not tested S11 ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested S15 ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Concurrent Requests Concurrent Requests Create ISA concurrently ISA response format (100x)
Pass ISA ID matches (100x)
Pass ISA start time matches (100x)
Pass ISA end time matches (100x)
Pass ISA URL matches (100x)
Pass Concurrent ISAs creation
Not tested ISA response code
Not tested ISA version changed
Pass Get ISAs concurrently ISA start time matches (100x)
Pass ISA end time matches (100x)
Pass ISA URL matches (100x)
Pass Search Available ISAs ISA start time matches (100x)
Pass ISA end time matches (100x)
Pass ISA URL matches (100x)
Pass Delete ISAs concurrently ISA start time matches (100x)
Pass ISA end time matches (100x)
Pass ISA URL matches (100x)
Not tested Search Deleted ISAs ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Expiry ISA Expiry ISA Expiry Create short-lived ISA
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Subscription Interactions ISA Subscription Interactions New Subscription within ISA Create an ISA
Pass Mutate the ISA
Pass Response to the mutation of the ISA contains subscription ID
Pass Subscription to an ISA has its notification index incremented after mutation
Pass Subscription to an ISA has its notification index incremented after deletion
Pass New subscription within ISA is mutated to ISA boundary Create an ISA
Pass Mutate the ISA
Pass Response to the mutation of the ISA contains subscription ID
Pass Subscription to an ISA has its notification index incremented after mutation
Pass Subscription to an ISA has its notification index incremented after deletion
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Simple ISA Create and check ISA Create ISA ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Pass ISA created
Not tested ISA version changed
Pass Update and search ISA Update ISA ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Pass ISA updated
Not tested ISA version changed
Not tested Search by earliest time (included) ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested Search by earliest time (excluded) ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested Search by latest time (included) ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested Search by latest time (excluded) ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested Search by area only ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested Delete ISA Delete ISA ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Not tested Search ISA ISA start time matches
Not tested ISA end time matches
Not tested ISA URL matches
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Submitted ISA Validations ISA Validation ISA Validation ISA huge area
Pass ISA empty vertices
Pass ISA start time in the past
Pass ISA start time after end time
Pass ISA vertices are valid
Pass ISA missing outline
Pass ISA missing volume
Not tested ISA missing extents
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Token Validation Token validation Token validation Read scope cannot create an ISA
Pass Fake token prevents creating an ISA
Pass ISA response code
Pass ISA response format
Pass ISA ID matches
Pass ISA start time matches
Pass ISA end time matches
Pass ISA URL matches
Pass Correct token and scope can create ISA
Pass Read scope cannot mutate an ISA
Pass Fake token cannot mutate an ISA
Not tested ISA version changed
DSS0030,b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S11 ISA response format (2x)
Pass ISA ID matches (2x)
Pass ISA version matches (2x)
Pass S15 ISA response format (2x)
Pass ISA ID matches (2x)
Pass ISA version matches (2x)
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Concurrent Requests Concurrent Requests Delete ISAs concurrently ISA response format (100x)
Pass ISA ID matches (100x)
Pass ISA version matches (100x)
Pass ISAs deletion query success
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Subscription Interactions ISA Subscription Interactions New Subscription within ISA Response to the deletion of the ISA contains subscription ID
Pass New subscription within ISA is mutated to ISA boundary Response to the deletion of the ISA contains subscription ID
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Simple ISA Delete ISA Delete with wrong version Delete request rejected
Pass Delete with empty version Delete request rejected
Pass Delete ISA ISA response format (2x)
Pass ISA ID matches (2x)
Pass ISA version matches (2x)
Pass ISA deleted
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Token Validation Token validation Token validation Read scope cannot delete an ISA
Pass Fake token cannot delete an ISA
Pass Correct token and scope can delete ISA
DSS0030,c Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Subscription Interactions ISA Subscription Interactions New Subscription within ISA Create a subscription within the ISA footprint
Pass Subscription for the ISA's area mentions the ISA
Pass Newly created subscription has a notification_index of 0
Pass New subscription within ISA is mutated to ISA boundary Create a subscription within the ISA footprint
Pass Mutate the subscription towards the ISA boundary
Pass Subscription for the ISA's area mentions the ISA
Pass Mutated subscription has a notification_index of 0
Not tested Subscription that only barely overlaps the ISA contains the ISA
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Simple Subscription Simple Create subscription validation Create subscription (4x)
Pass Response to subscription creation contains a subscription (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has an ID (4x)
Pass Returned subscription ID is correct (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has an owner (4x)
Pass Returned subscription owner is correct (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has an ISA URL (4x)
Pass Returned ISA URL has correct base URL (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has a start time (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has a version (4x)
Pass Generated subscription version has proper format (4x)
Pass Returned notification index is 0 if present (4x)
Pass Returned end time is correct (2x)
Pass Returned start time is correct (2x)
Pass Mutate Subscription Subscription can be mutated (8x)
Pass Response to subscription mutation contains a subscription (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has an ID (8x)
Pass Returned subscription ID is correct (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has an owner (8x)
Pass Returned subscription owner is correct (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has an ISA URL (8x)
Pass Returned ISA URL has correct base URL (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has a start time (8x)
Pass Returned start time is correct (8x)
Pass Returned end time is correct (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has a version (8x)
Pass Generated subscription version has proper format (8x)
Pass Mutated subscription version is updated (8x)
Pass Query Existing Subscription Returned subscription has an ID (8x)
Pass Returned subscription ID is correct (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has an owner (8x)
Pass Returned subscription owner is correct (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has an ISA URL (8x)
Pass Returned ISA URL has correct base URL (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has a start time (8x)
Pass Returned start time is correct (8x)
Pass Returned end time is correct (8x)
Pass Returned subscription has a version (8x)
Pass Generated subscription version has proper format (8x)
Pass Non-mutated subscription keeps the same version (8x)
Pass Delete Subscription Returned subscription has an ID (4x)
Pass Returned subscription ID is correct (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has an owner (4x)
Pass Returned subscription owner is correct (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has an ISA URL (4x)
Pass Returned ISA URL has correct base URL (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has a start time (4x)
Pass Returned start time is correct (4x)
Pass Returned end time is correct (4x)
Pass Returned subscription has a version (4x)
Pass Generated subscription version has proper format (4x)
Pass Non-mutated subscription keeps the same version (4x)
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Validation Subscription duration limitations Try to extend subscription Valid subscription created
Pass Subscription quantity limitations Create maximum number of subscriptions Create up to the maximum allowed number of subscriptions in an area
DSS0030,d Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Concurrent Requests Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Expiry Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Subscription Interactions ISA Subscription Interactions New Subscription within ISA Delete the ISA
Pass Subscription can be deleted
Pass New subscription within ISA is mutated to ISA boundary Delete the ISA
Pass Subscription can be deleted
Not tested Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Simple ISA Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Submitted ISA Validations Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Simple Subscription Simple Delete Subscription Missing version prevents deletion (4x)
Pass Incorrect version prevents deletion (4x)
Pass Subscription can be deleted (4x)
Not tested Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Validation Subscription duration limitations Remove subscription Subscription deleted
Pass Subscription quantity limitations Clean up subscriptions Subscription can be deleted (10x)
Not tested Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Token Validation Setup Ensure clean workspace Removed pre-existing ISA
Not tested Subscription can be deleted
DSS0030,e Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Concurrent Requests Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Expiry Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Subscription Interactions Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Simple ISA Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Submitted ISA Validations Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Simple Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID (4x)
Pass Subscription Simple Query Existing Subscription Get Subscription by ID (4x)
Pass Returned notification index is equal to or greater than 0 (8x)
Pass Delete Subscription Returned notification index is equal to or greater than 0 (4x)
Pass Query Deleted Subscription Query by subscription ID should fail (4x)
Not tested Mutate Subscription Returned notification index is equal to or greater than 0
Pass Cleanup Cleanup Subscription can be queried by ID (4x)
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Validation Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Token Validation Setup Ensure clean workspace Subscription can be queried by ID
DSS0030,f Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Concurrent Requests Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Expiry Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: ISA Subscription Interactions Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query (2x)
Pass Cleanup Cleanup Successful subscription search query (2x)
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Simple ISA Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Submitted ISA Validations Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Simple Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
Pass Subscription Simple Query Existing Subscription Search for all subscriptions in ISA area
Pass Created Subscription is in search results (4x)
Pass No huge search area allowed
Pass Query Deleted Subscription Search for all subscriptions in ISA area
Pass Deleted subscription should not be present in search results
Pass Search area that represents a loop is not allowed
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Validation Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
Pass Subscription quantity limitations Clean up subscriptions Successful subscription search query
Pass Cleanup Cleanup Successful subscription search query
Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Token Validation Setup Ensure clean workspace Successful subscription search query
DSS0040 Not tested Not implemented
DSS0050 Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Validation Subscription quantity limitations Exceed maximum number of subscriptions Enforce maximum number of subscriptions for an area
DSS0060 Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Simple Subscription Simple Create subscription validation Returned subscription has an end time (4x)
Pass Mutate Subscription Returned subscription has an end time (8x)
Pass Query Existing Subscription Returned subscription has an end time (8x)
Pass Delete Subscription Returned subscription has an end time (4x)
Pass ASTM NetRID DSS: Subscription Validation Subscription duration limitations Try to create too-long subscription Too-long subscription creation rejected
Pass Try to extend subscription Subscription duration limited during update
DSS0070 Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] returned with proper response (2x)
Pass S4 Can query all Subscriptions in area from all DSSs (2x)
Pass S7 404 with proper response (2x)
Pass S8 No Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned with proper response (2x)
Pass S9 service_areas does not include ISA from S1 (2x)
Pass S13 No Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned with proper response (2x)
Pass S16 service_areas does not include ISA from S12 (2x)
DSS0110 Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Direct CRDB access Verify security interoperability Attempt to connect in insecure mode Node runs in secure mode
DSS0120 Not tested ASTM NetRID DSS: Direct CRDB access Verify security interoperability Attempt to connect in insecure mode Node runs in secure mode
Not tested Attempt to connect with legacy encryption protocol Node rejects legacy encryption protocols
DSS0130,1 Not tested Not implemented
DSS0130,2,a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] ID is properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,2,b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] owner is properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,2,c Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] URL is properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,2,d Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] start/end times are properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,2,e Not tested Not implemented
DSS0130,2,f Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] notification count is properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,3,a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 ID of ISA from S1 is properly synchronized with all DSS
Pass S5 Can get ISA from primary DSS
DSS0130,3,b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 Owner of ISA from S1 is properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,3,c Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 URL of ISA from S1 is properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,3,d Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 Start/end times of ISA from S1 are properly synchronized with all DSS
DSS0130,3,e Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 service_areas includes ISA from S1 (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,1a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S1 ISA[P] created with proper response
Pass S10 ISA[P] created with proper response
Pass S12 ISA[P] created with proper response
DSS0130,A2-6-1,1b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S5 Can modify ISA in primary DSS
DSS0130,A2-6-1,1c Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 service_areas includes ISA from S1 (2x)
Pass S9 Subscription[n] created with proper response (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,1d Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S9 service_areas does not include ISA from S1 (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,2a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S11 ISA[P] deleted with proper response
Pass S15 ISA[P] deleted with proper response
Pass Cleanup Cleanup ISA deleted with proper response (3x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,2b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S16 service_areas does not include ISA from S12 (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,3a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S2 Subscription[n] created with proper response (2x)
Pass S16 Subscription[n] created with proper response (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,3b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S10 All Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned in subscribers
DSS0130,A2-6-1,3c Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S11 All Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned in subscribers
Not tested S5 ISA modification triggers subscription notification requests
DSS0130,A2-6-1,3d Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S13 No Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned with proper response (2x)
Pass S12 None of Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned in subscribers
Pass S15 None of Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned in subscribers with proper response
Not tested S14 404 with proper response
DSS0130,A2-6-1,4a Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S6 Subscription[n] deleted with proper response (2x)
Pass S17 Subscription[n] deleted with proper response (2x)
Pass Cleanup Cleanup Subscription can be queried by ID (6x)
Pass Subscription can be deleted (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,4b Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S7 404 with proper response (2x)
Pass S8 No Subscription[i] 1≤i≤n returned with proper response (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,5 Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S3 Subscription[P] returned with proper response (2x)
DSS0130,A2-6-1,6 Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Interoperability sequence S4 Can query all Subscriptions in area from all DSSs (2x)
Pass S8 Subscriptions queried successfully (2x)
Pass S13 Subscriptions queried successfully (2x)
DSS0210 Pass ASTM F3411-22a NetRID DSS interoperability Prerequisites Test environment requirements DSS instance is reachable (2x)
Not tested DSS instance is publicly addressable
NET0010 Not tested Not implemented
NET0020 Not tested Not implemented
NET0030 Not tested ASTM NetRID: Operator interactions In-flight notifications Poll Service Provider Missing data operator notification
NET0040 Not tested ASTM NetRID: Operator interactions In-flight notifications Poll Service Provider Insufficient telemetry operator notification
NET0210 Not tested ASTM NetRID SP clients misbehavior handling Unauthenticated requests Unauthenticated requests Missing credentials
NET0220 Not tested ASTM F3411-22a NetRID aggregate checks Verify https is in use Verify https is in use All interactions happen over https
NET0250 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,NearRealTime Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,NetSpDataResponseTime95thPercentile Not tested ASTM F3411-22a NetRID aggregate checks Performance of Service Providers requests Performance of /flights?view requests 95th percentile response time
NET0260,NetSpDataResponseTime99thPercentile Not tested ASTM F3411-22a NetRID aggregate checks Performance of Service Providers requests Performance of /flights?view requests 99th percentile response time
NET0260,Table1,1 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling UAS ID presence in flight details
NET0260,Table1,2 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,4 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,5 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,6 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,10 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Missing flight
NET0260,Table1,11 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Missing flight
NET0260,Table1,12 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Service Provider altitude
NET0260,Table1,16 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,17 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,18 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,19 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,20 Not tested Not implemented
NET0260,Table1,21 Not tested Not implemented
NET0270 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Recent positions timestamps
Not tested Recent positions for aircraft crossing the requested area boundary show only one position before or after crossing
Not tested Lingering flight
NET0290 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Observer polling Telemetry being used when present
NET0320 Not tested Not implemented
NET0340 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Flights data format
NET0500 Not tested ASTM NetRID SP clients misbehavior handling Unauthenticated requests Injection Successful injection
Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Injection Successful injection
NET0610 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Missing flight
Not tested Observer polling Missing flight
Not tested ASTM NetRID: Operator interactions Failed ISA Inject flight Flight failed
NET0620 Not tested ASTM NetRID: Operator interactions Failed ISA Enumerate operator notifications Operator notified of discoverability failure
NET0710,1 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Flights data format
Not tested Missing flight
NET0710,2 Not tested ASTM NetRID nominal behavior Nominal flight Service Provider polling Successful flight details query
Not tested Flight details data format
NET0740 Not tested Not implemented